Below you'll find how to understand your score on the QUIZ
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0-3 points
You can write emails or texts to acquaintances and friends. In them, you formulate simple questions on familiar topics. You do not feel comfortable writing in German at work and therefore still often use translation services. You can express your opinion in e-mails to a limited extent. But your insecurity is still very great in many areas, for example in these: a precise subject line, the appropriate salutation and greeting, how much to write and how long the sentences should be, etc.
You prefer to talk on the phone, even if you know that an email would be a better form of communication.
You sometimes receive negative feedback when there are misunderstandings in communication. Often you then think it’s your fault because they can’t yet communicate that well in German.
This will take your emails to the next level:
- Building specific vocabulary for your emails.
- Improve structure and composition
- building more confidence in writing
4-6 points - 2nd. Category
You write emails in your job. When doing so, you are seldom sure whether the others understand what you mean. You use sentences or sentence fragments, but feel that they no longer sound good because you have used them over and over again. You don’t know what else to write or how to phrase your emails more precisely.
Often you find yourself asking questions like, “Is what I’m writing understandable?” or “Is it appropriate?” This is especially the case when you are trying out new wording.
You feel very limited in your written expression. This feeling is especially strong when you can’t contribute your expertise.
You don’t receive much feedback. When you do receive feedback, it is because you are making mistakes in your communication. This can lead to the impression that the recipients of your emails pay more attention to your mistakes than to the content you write.
You need a lot of time to write an email that you are happy with.
This will take your emails to the next level:
- Practicing techniques for faster writing.
- Grammatical structures that help you write more precisely
- Expanding vocabulary in your subject area
7-8 points - 3rd. Category
You write your e-mails in a detailed and precise manner. Your German may already be good enough for you to communicate externally with customers. You also know that your emails are not yet as correct as you would like. This can lead to the feeling that you cannot (yet) represent your company adequately.
You use phrases in the subjunctive like, “Would it be possible…”, “We would like to…” , “The project should…” But you don’t know exactly when to use these phrases in your emails – and when not to.
A big insecurity: you don’t know where you’re making mistakes because you’re not getting feedback.
You know you need to improve – for the next step in your career or to secure your job.
Taking your emails to the next level:
- precise feedback on your most common mistakes and how to avoid them
- concrete formulation aids, especially for critical communication situations
- Grammatical structures to help you make your emails even more precise and concise
9-10 points - 4th. Category
You write your emails with ease in all areas of your work life. You can express yourself precisely and convince others of your ideas and suggestions – firmly and in a friendly manner. You only need the dictionary for technical terms. You know that you communicate so well in German that it is no longer an obstacle to your career. Only for particularly important emails do you sometimes want concrete feedback and support.